“Pragmatic & Solution focused, and at the same time able to work at many different levels according to client needs.”

Sally Bonneywell – VP Coaching, HS&P Centre of Excellence, GSK

“Pragmatic & Solution focused, and at the same time able to work at many different levels according to client needs.”

Sally Bonneywell – VP Coaching, HS&P Centre of Excellence, GSK


We partner with organisations

Transitions Consulting works in partnership with you to develop and improve the agility of your organisations’ leadership, communication and performance skills, providing executive leaders and managers with the micro-skills they need to thrive and excel in the constantly changing dynamics of today’s business climate.

We provide executive and managerial coaching, one to one or group coaching, as well as customised learning solutions. Find out more about how we work with you to improve your business with coaching.

Our experience

Our coaches are graduates of the International Coach Federation, A.B.N.L.P., New Ventures West, Marshal Goldsmith and Wiley Group, with considerable experience not only as coaches, facilitators and trainers, but also in global organisations and entrepreneurial business enterprises.

Transitions Consulting Ltd. are members of the International Coaching Federation, the A.B.N.L.P. and subscribe to their code of ethics.

Read more about our executive business coaches.

Coaching Supervision

Coaching Supervision is a co-created partnership which encourages the development of the skills and expertise of a coach, supporting both their professional and their personal development. 

Supervision offers alternative perspectives, increases confidence, and facilitates improved planning and decision-making.

Discover more about the benefits of coaching supervision.

Training and Facilitation

Transitions Consulting offer Masterclass training programmes that measurably improve performance and productivity by  . expanding communication and leadership skills, and empowering teams to make and take responsibility for better decisions.

Our coaches and trainers are members of the International Coach Federation, the gold standard of the Coaching industry.

Read more about our training and facilitation.

Transitions Consulting Accreditations

ICF logo
ABNLP logo
Marshall Goldsmith logo
Wiley logo

“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”

Viktor E. Frankl